Who we are
The Kohelet Forum is a non-partisan research and action institute founded over a decade ago and located in Jerusalem. Our vision includes the promotion of individual freedom and the principles of the free market, the establishment of Israel as the nation state of the Jewish people, and the strengthening of representative democracy in Israel
Our areas of practice and interest are diverse:

- To advance Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people
- To defend Israel against distortions of international law and discriminatory treatment in the international arena.
- To legislate immigration policies that promote Aliyah and remove needless regulatory barriers to absorption

- To ensure the liberties of all citizens of Israel and to prevent all forms of unwarranted government coercion
- To strengthen the protection of individual rights from government abuse by establishing clear, mandatory criminal defense rights
- To respect Israel’s diversity by giving local governments meaningful independent powers
- To allow competition and choice among schools and to empower parents and local governments, not central bureaucracies, to have control over childrens’ education

- To encourage employment and productivity by reducing the regulatory burden on entrepreneurs
- To simplify the tax system, end tax breaks for special interest groups, and reduce tax rates for the general population
- To support the right to work by preventing coerced union membership and requiring transparency for workers’ unions
- To check the power of statutory monopolies and cartels, open the economy to international competition and reduce central planning

Representative Democracy
- To strengthen the authority of the Knesset as the source of legal norms and the independence of the judiciary in adjudicating cases in accordance with legislation
- To reform appointments procedures in public service so that they are more representative and transparent
- To define the proper roles of the Attorney General and government legal advisors